General Musharraf is not a traitor he is a patriot

A seminar was held in 2014 under His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar chairmanship at Lasani Secretariat Faisalabad regarding “General Pervez Musharraf is not a traitor”, People related to sectors and representatives of Tanzeem Mushaikh Uzzam Pakistan attended this seminar. On this occasion His holiness Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar said that Pervez Musharraf took right step into Pakistan’s favor to overturn the Nawaz ShreefGovernment, General Musharraf is not a traitor and he must not be trapped in this matter. If General Musharraf had not taken that step then country would be in extremely difficult situation because Nawaz Government was working for a foreign Lobby at that time they were taking decisions in their own interests. That specific Lobby was also involved in spreading religious hatred and sectarianism in Pakistan, Under a conspiracy (ABC)295 was being misused against Mushaikh and Sufies they were being trapped into illegal cases and being victims. General Musharraf 12th October step is not a serious offence he had to take this step for the survival of Pakistan, if he is a traitor then why Chuhadry Pervaiz Ilahi and Shujat Hussain are innocent, a specific lobby inside Former Nawaz Government accused some Awliya Allah for false claimant of prophet hood and punished them, millions of people wished for the Martial law at that time if Mian Nawaz Shareef had solved this issue according to the protesters at that time such circumstances would never have happened he would always remain popular among people. Current Government is talking about amnesty for the terrorists and traitors, which isanextreme violation of our country and Islamic Laws, both times Nawaz Government committed negligence. Government should honorably release General Musharraf now otherwise Tanzeem Mushaikh Uzzam Pakistan willstart a nationwide protest as well as finish all their affiliations with the political parties.

Government  Istahkam e Pakistan  Pak Army and Adlia