Mushaikh and Scholars Convention 2009

This convention was held on 13th December 2009 at Lasani Secretariat Astana Alia Lasani Sarkar in Faisalabad by TMUPI under the chairmanship of His holiness Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar.

Convention started with recitation of the holy Quran as usual and then Naat and Manqabat presented in the court of Prophet PBUH, Caliphs and Awliya Allah.

Objectives of the convention:

To convince the Mushaikh of all the spiritual orders that they are the spiritual heirs of the Prophets therefore they must perform their duties to improve the society and spread the teaching according to the real spirit of Islam which they are getting directly from the court of Allah SWT and Prophet PBUH physically and spiritually. The Tanzeem Mushaikh Uzzam has to perform their role to eliminate terrorism, violence, killing from the society.

Joint declaration of the convention:

Speakers praised the efforts of the Mushaikh to eradicate the terrorism and current crises from the country andthey paid a special tribute to His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar for his services to establish peace and security. The speakers also declared the terrorism is a deadly poison for the country and the nation which is becominga cancer now and it has to be eradicated before it’s too late otherwise this cancer will engulf the whole Muslim Ummahincluding Pakistan. Pakistan have come into existence because of the Mushaikh therefore it will only get stability and strength because of their efforts and help. The current government should take true and perfect Mushaikh into confidence to get their guidance to eliminate terrorism, injustice and inflation from Pakistan. It was decided with the unanimous opinion of all the Mushaikh and scholars in the declaration of the convention that the Tanzeem Mushaikh Uzzam Pakistan and Lasani Welfare Foundation would provide facilities to the district administrations of the Punjab province on the occasion of Muharram Al Haram.

Commander of the Sufies and leader of the current spiritual revolution His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar made Dua for the county and the nation towards the final moments of the convention.

Mhafil  Spiritual Congregations