Heartfelt wishes came true

Mohammad Shaddi Khan Naqashbandi from Khanpur, Cholistan narrates: Once I heard the name of His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar somewhere and many people also told meas their problems and prayers sorted out at Astana Alia. So I deeply wished may Allah Almighty fulfil my dreams and wishes there too InshAllah! So I set out for Astana Alia to see His holiness Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar. When I arrived there I wished a Mannat there and His holiness prayed for me too. So after some time with the blessings and benevolence of our spiritual master Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar all my problems sorted out and my wishes came true. It is indeed a huge grant and a favour of Allah Almighty and his beloved friends as whoever goes to their placeshis problems get solved and adversities become easy. Subhan Allah!

Unsolvable Problems