The Central Consultative Council Conference (Accountability of the Corrupt Politicians Before Election)

This meeting was arranged at Astana Alia Lasani Sarkar Faisalabad by the Tanzeem Mashaikh Uzzam Pakistan and His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar presided this meeting.

Proceeding of the conference:

His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar is working very hard for the peace and stability of the  Pakistan.Due to his tireless efforts peace, love, sincerity, Haqooq Allah(duties towards Allah), Haqooq Alabad(duties towards mankind) consciousness and awareness is being promoted in the public in every field of life and suggestion and prediction given to the governments including politicians are being accurate and true.

His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar said in his speech, since the creation of Pakistanthese so called democracy activistshave given nothing except high hopesto bring the prosperity in the country, corruption, inflation, unemployment, load shedding, plunder, nepotism, lawlessness and defaming the Image of Islam and Pakistan in the whole world. As a result of current political situation, misuse of democracy, economic crises, corruption and terrorism The Tanzeem Mashaikh Uzzam asks question from the people whether these political parties will be effective to improve the image of Pakistan internationally or apart from them any other system can bring improvements in Pakistan? Because so far there is not a single party in the Pakistan which does not have any corruption case against them, these parties couldn’t even implement democracy in their own political network therefore they will never be able toimplement democracy in the country. If the public wishes to become prosperous then they must be together to do the accountability of the corrupt politicians and the election will only be useful in this way. Sincere and patriotic people should take part in the elections now this is the only way change will come in this country. We demand the accountability of the corrupt politicians from the Chief Justice of Pakistan so that our forthcoming generations could take advantage of the corruption free system and free and fair elections in the future, this way the image of the Islam and Pakistan can be improved in the world.

Corruption  Istahkam e Pakistan